Byron Bay

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Nov 21 11 In Byron Bay Today

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Chasing It, . Ok so it started of northerly with just a smattering of a north east wind swell on offer, in Byron Bay today. This had folks looking, well, looking where we look on such a day. But as soon as the crew were ready for a few. Huey came along and blew from the south turning it inside out, and so the chase was on. Those who were fast enough managed to relocate, and score some quickies before the southerly blew the wind swell flat. But the window of opportunity was small, and before long there was close to nothing at all. Soon enough it was swinging back to the north again and that was that. It was all over before most even knew what had happened. Confused, don't be, this is pretty much standard stuff for this time of year. Small wind swells with not much power, swinging winds that change by the hour, crew chasing it day in day out. Just killing time and hoping that those big summer lows will eventually come about, .